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Want to Help Out?

I am but one person, so there is no way for me to be able to archive all of the things. If you would like to help out, then that's great! Please read this page in full, though, just so we're all on the same page before you reach out to me.

Before you submit, please check the following items:

1. Is it already on the archive?

2. Is it a leak?
- We don't host leaks here for a number of reasons!

3. Does it fit what the archive does?
- We archive sites, documents, and video related to official pikmin information. Fan made items such as theories, analysis, reviews (excluding ones made by large companies like IGN), trivia videos/quizzes, fan art/fiction, and more are not covered by this archive.

4. Is a higher-quality version out there?

5. If it is a Video, is it made and/or licensed by Nintendo? If not, is it already on both YouTube and the Internet Archive? If no to that as well, did you make it?
- To better explain: while video showcasing gameplay or scrapped mechanics is greatly needed, I am generally uncomfortable with downloading then uploading them to YouTube/the Internet Archive without explicit consent from the creator.

6. Are you okay with me uploading it to the Internet Archive/YouTube or are willing to do so yourself?
- If not, we can't host it, as these mirror uploads are critical to archiving
- Note that the Internet Archive will allow users to easily download your content
- Note that video will NOT be uploaded to Mega, as they're simply too large for me to host there.
- Last note, if an extra mirror to the Internet Archive and YouTube is found, I may also see about hosting a mirror of the video there.

What I Need

You're free to submit anything that we don't already have to the archive, but here's a list of items we're in desperate need of.

Good to go now?

If you're all up to speed, then feel free to reach out to me at The Pikmin Archives Twitter (note: I greatly dislike Twitter and will check it once a day at most, thus expect a delay in me seeing your message) or my general pikmin Tumblr.